This week, I’d like to talk a bit about sin. We don’t
address this topic often enough or seriously enough in the church. I feel that
there are several reasons for this. One reason that we don’t talk about it is
because it’s simply not a very fun topic to dwell on. We don’t want to think
about rules that forbid; and we don’t want to talk about all the ways we don’t
measure up. Another reason is because we’re experiencing a backlash from a more
legalistic era in church history. At times in the past, we in the church have
come down so hard on sin that we made people feel like God didn’t love them,
that they could never be good enough for God, and that they were unwanted in
the church. We didn’t want to make people feel like that anymore, so we stopped
talking about sin. Another reason, really a sub-point to the last one, is that
some of those who do feel the importance of this subject feel that, if they
bring it up, they will be immediately lambasted as hypocritical and judgmental.
Despite all of this, sin is still an important topic. If we
are going to call ourselves Christian; if we’re going to claim to live by the
Bible, then we must read the whole Bible, not just the parts that we like. And
the Bible is very concerned about the topic of sin. From beginning to end, the
Bible is almost constantly outlining good and bad behavior, warning us away
from evil, holding up good and bad examples of how to live. Jesus himself
talked about sin quite a bit as well; and we can’t just ignore that or sweep it
under the rug. We need to take sin seriously.
So, ok, let’s take sin seriously. Let’s think about the
nature of sin. What is sin? Classically, sin can be defined in either of two
ways. Wesleyans define sin as a willful transgression of a known law of God.
Calvinists define sin as any transgression of God’s law. I don’t find either of
these definitions satisfactory. I don’t think they go deep enough into the
nature of sin. I find myself asking why sin is sinful. Ok, God said that
adultery is bad, and as He is the Absolute, He has the right to declare actions
to be good or bad as He sees fit; and as the Absolute foundation of existence,
His will defines reality. But why did God say that adultery is bad? Why didn’t
He say that open marriages and free love is good and monogamy is selfish? Was
it arbitrary? Did He roll dice? Pick things out of a hat?
God is Triune; He has chosen to exist as a community, as a
relationship. He has created us to be relational people, naturally drawn to
socialize with one another. He seeks to commune with us in Heaven, and seeks
for us to commune with one another on earth. When asked what the greatest
commandment was, Jesus promptly answered “Love God, and love each other.” I
think that the Bible paints a clear picture of righteousness as pure, holy,
unselfish, vulnerable, and perfect communion with God and with one another.
This is what God planned, it is what He saved us for, and it is what He is
guiding us to. A second look at Scripture reveals that sin is the opposite of
righteousness. Look at the 10 Commandments. Every single act forbidden by God
revolves around the idea of broken relationships: idolatry, murder, adultery,
deceit, theft. Some are less obvious, like keeping the Sabbath; but even that
is grounded in the idea of respect for God. Sin is sin because it chips away at
our relationship with God; and it shatters our relationships by using us to
break each other down.
God is the Absolute and Supreme Something. God is existence.
Therefore, if Evil is the opposite of God, then evil is the Supreme Nothing.
Righteousness is that which contributes to the building and preservation of the
Universe as God planned it to be, it is that which contributes to Shalom. Sin,
then, is that which breaks and tears Shalom apart. Sin is not only relational,
sin is, by nature destructive. This brings us to a definition of sin as that
which destroys creation and breaks apart relationships.
From this, we can gather a few further insights. First,
there is no such thing as personal sin. There is no such thing as a sin that is
just between you and God. Every sin you commit, no matter how hidden, no matter
how small, affects every person around you. Even an extremely small thing like
a lapse in your devotional life affects how you are letting God form you, which
affects who you are as a person, which affects who you are as you enter
society. Every sin, from murder and adultery, down to ingratitude and spiritual
laziness affects those around you. There is no such thing as a victimless sin.
Second, we see that sins are not isolated instances of good
or bad behavior. Sin is a part of a systemic and eschatological movement
(eschaton is the greek word for the end of time; it means “last things”). Those
of us who follow Christ are following Him in pursuit of God’s Kingdom Come on
earth as it is in Heaven. Leading a righteous life is integral to that pursuit.
You cannot say that you stand with Christ if you aren’t involved in the
building of His Kingdom. Likewise, on the negative side, you can’t say that
you’re following Christ if you are consistently undermining His mission by
engaging in acts which destroy the relationships and people around you. And I
feel guilty and convicted even as I type. Sin is important because it is part
of what defines us as either those who are seeking or those who are destroying
the Kingdom of God. If we love God; and we love His Kingdom; and we love each
other; and we are concerned about our society; then we must stand against sin.
Third, and as a natural expression of the first two points,
we need to talk about sin. We, as the church, must realize that as important as
it is to love the sinner and extend God’s grace to him or her; it is equally
important to love the victim of sin; to the point of, where possible,
preventing sin from occurring. One way of doing so is by talking about sin, why
it is wrong and how it destroys. We need to do this from the pulpit certainly,
but we must also undertake this one on one in small groups and in every
relationship we have. Sin is a cliff, and we need to talk about sin to help
warn people to stay away from the edge.
An example might help, I knew of a teenager at a church I
went to when I was younger who got his girlfriend pregnant. As I’ve reflected
on this scenario I get more and more convicted of our church’s (not the local
church but the national church) complicity in his choices. Who ever warned him
that sleeping with his girlfriend was a bad idea? He had been born, to the best
of my knowledge, out of wedlock; his sibling(s) had a trail of past lovers; the
society he lived in consistently presented extra-marital sex as normal
behavior; the culture he lived in produced shows like Glee and Friends; and his
church was too afraid of offending people to say out loud “Sex outside of
marriage is bad because . . .” Why should I ever have assumed that he knew that
sleeping around was wrong? He was actually happy when he told me that she was
We need to start talking about sin. We need to speak in
love; and we need to speak of grace; but we can’t ignore the destruction that
sin is wreaking all around us. We must get beyond ourselves and our(my) guilt
to speak truth where it is needed; yes, I am guilty of sin, but I can’t let
that guilt define me and my actions. I can’t let my failures stop me from
encouraging others’ to success. If we claim the name of Christ, then we must
stand for the things which Christ stood for. We must stand for love against
betrayal, hatred, and faithlessness; we must stand for truth against deceit and
fraud; we must stand for life against murder; we must stand for charity against
oppression; we must stand with God against sin.
I’m not trying to say that the child was bad or a curse or a burden; and many
teenage parents are able to go to college and/or make a really great life for
themselves; but the fact of the matter is that having a child too early in life
severely limits one’s options later in life and makes all subsequent life
decisions much more difficult. Especially if his girlfriend had decided not to
stick around, he just stuck himself with child support for the next 18 + years
of his life; and he was only 17. The child was worth smiling about, the work
that child represented for this teenager was not.
What does "standing against sin" look like in the everyday life of a Christian? How does one nurture the practices of confession, forgiveness, and healing in the life of the church for which this somehow seems foreign? I ask as someone who has felt the struggle to be good enough yet also the need to be known and loved through accountability in my weaker moments as well. I ask as someone who longs to see the church embrace their role of proclaiming truth and grace. Even so, I struggle to find that role amidst cultures of either unconditional acceptance or judgement unaccompanied by discernment and love. The only way I see is through relationships with an amount of transparency in which we bring our sin and struggles to God, but also to those around us. Even though I see this as a means of God's grace, I admit that I often lack the bravery to be so very honest with my own sin and failures. How do we then build up the church so that addressing sin is not associated with fear or shame, but is viewed as a necessary part of growth in Christ?
ReplyDeleteOn a practical level we build past the sin and help build a community where we make it easier for others to not sin through our own actions. God does a good job of qualifying the consequences of sin for us in life, but i've learned that the more we educate and qualify each other on sin the less God has to teach us through circumstances. Case in point, i never had to learn the hard way why drugs were destructive to my body because plenty o people educated me in advance. The thing is i that we only learn from those who have experienced those consequences. The more we teach and conversely the more we listen, the better we lean to do this. Being honest with those consequences even when we think people won't respond is the best we can do." "Homosexuality has bad consequences because it breaks down the family" is something many wont believe or care about but its the truth and they can't respect that later or at any time in life until they learn that first. When we express those thoughts it is not in judgment of any person but only a verbatim of scripture and we should be honest about that. Thus they see we are free to love but share our advise out of that love. Though we may be afraid they will disagree they cant even know it to ever accept it is never shared.